Ragdoll Cats & Kittens
Ragdolls are among the largest of cat breeds and take 2 to 3 years to develop their full size. Neutered males can weigh between 15-20 pounds and females weigh about 5 pounds less. A ragdoll male holds the Guiness Book of Pet Records as the largest breed of domesticated cats. The coat of the ragdoll is semi long and unbelievably soft like a rabbit. The fur almost never mats and needs no grooming. Ragdolls are not as suspicious and shy as most cats and this causes them to be very vulnerable as an outside cat. That is why ragdolls are meant to live indoors where it is not as dangerous.
Ragdolls are wonderful companions who insist on being in your presence every minute they can. They love following you from room to room and they act very much like dogs. They even love to be with dogs more than other cats. One of my
Ragdolls cries in distress at the door everytime I take her favorite dog for a walk. She just doesn't understand why she can't come too. Ragdolls even like to fetch toys.